The dream now, that is quickly becoming a reality, is to create a safe haven for more young men. Men who are desperate for a place they can call home, a stable environment where they aren’t constantly moving or wondering if mom or dad will even come home tonight. A place they know they have a chance to be more than the world says they can. A place that will foster love and encouragement, while teaching discipline and the principles of hard work. This place is called Coach’s Place.
God has been good to us and has allowed us the ability to purchase this land for Coach’s Place, and our future boys, but now we are needing help making the house and organization become a reality. We know God is going to provide, and we would love for you to partner with us and join in reaping the benefits He will surely pour out on those who will do it to one of the least of these (Matt. 25:40).
Helping doesn't necessarily mean you have to give money. For some, partnering with us will be giving of your time, whether by becoming relief parents, teachers who assist in teaching our boys trades, or maybe by giving your time to help us build the home and other structures on the land. For some, financial assistance will be the way you partner, because let’s be honest, there are many of us who just don’t have the time to spare, but maybe we have the money. And still others will be partnering with us by praying with us as we continue to grow and need more homes and more parents and more resources in order to meet the huge need in our area and those surrounding us.
To care for and orphan and the abandoned
We are called by God to "defend the cause of the Fatherless" (Isaiah 1:17)
Our purpose is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources and support they need to care for these at risk children.
What We Do
In addition to ministering to the needs of these young men, we prepare them for their future by training them to be men after God’s own heart.
Biblical Family Training
Our primary goal is developing disciples of Jesus Christ, who raise Christian families to the glory of God. Many children enter foster care with no idea what a healthy family looks like. We instruct
We teach all of our foster children the importance of hard work and integrity through service on our property and in the community. Many young men in our community will learn carpentry, farming, electrical,
A key component to the Christian life is Spiritual Disciplines, so we build these normative activities into everyday life at Coach’s Place. All our activities are meant to help these young men grow in